Coffee Compost Scheme Norfolk - Can You Help?
Published date: March 2020
intu Chapelfield have a Coffee Compost Scheme which is very successful, but they are looking for further support from the local community to take more of this compost. intu Chapelfield’s Environmental Services Manager Jamie Brett states that the scheme is receiving very high volumes of coffee compost from its retailers, which is currently outweighing the demand, and he is therefore looking for more individuals or groups to take this surplus coffee compost. No payment is required, and he would love to get further arrangements in place to take this coffee compost on a regular basis.
Using Coffee Compost in the garden
Coffee compost can be used in the garden in a variety of ways. Plants benefit from the coffee grounds’ nutrients and by reducing what goes to the landfill, you in turn are helping the planet too. When we make a cup of coffee, what we consume is only less than 1%, the other 99% of the biomass of the coffee is wasted, so re-using coffee grounds makes perfect sense.
By adding coffee grounds directly to your soil should help enhance drainage, aeration, and water retention and whilst it won’t add nitrogen to the soil immediately, it will help increase growth of microorganisms and earthworms. For those who are into vermicomposting, coffee grounds can be used as worm food.
You can also use coffee grounds as mulch in low quantities. Coffee grounds shouldn’t exceed more than 25% of the mulch mix, use materials such as compost and garden soil to make a balanced mix. Too much coffee grounds can have a detrimental effect on some plants, they can grow slower or become stunted, so it is advisable to make sure the coffee grounds do not exceed one-fourth (25%) of soil mix. Use coffee-enriched soil mix to prepare seedlings in trays, re-pot plants, use around seedlings and plants when transplanting around your garden and prepare soil for planting shrubs and trees.
Research shows that coffee grounds helps keep garden pests such as rabbits, slugs and snails away and cats do not seem to like coffee grounds either. If you have trouble with cats using your garden as a toilet, you may want to try spreading some coffee grounds around their favourite spots to deter them.
Coffee ground tea is thought to be an excellent additive to make orchid fertilizer. This is made by filling half a container with used coffee grounds and then filling the container to the top with water (soft water if possible), and let it sit for 24 hours. Filter out the coffee grounds using a cheesecloth and discard to the compost. Add one-part coffee ground tea to three parts soft water and use it once a month during the orchid’s growing phase. Keep the coffee ground tea in the fridge in a closed jar or bottle.
Used coffee grounds have a naturally high nitrogen content, so are particularly well-suited for grass. Once the coffee grounds have dried, they can be sprinkled sparingly directly onto the lawn - there is no need to mix them with other products.
If you are interested in growing mushrooms, coffee grounds are also used as substrate for these fungus organisms. The grounds are still full of nutrients and are especially good to grow oyster mushrooms that love used coffee grounds. If you would like to find out more about growing oyster mushrooms in coffee grounds, you will find all the necessary information on the following website:
Coffee grounds go through the process of roasting and are considered “healthy material” for both composting, growing beds and lawns. They add nutrients to your garden, deter garden pests and by using them you in turn stop unnecessary waste going into landfill sites.
If you would like to be a part of intu Chapelfield’s Coffee Compost Scheme, please get in touch with Jamie using the following contact details:
Jamie Brett, Environmental Services Manager, intu Chapelfield